Thanet Diving & Watersports Mob:-07981 551922 Tel:-01843 570404

Please note that we are no longer offering Kayaking or Kite-surfing
Discover Scuba
The Discover Scuba is what it says.
Your chance for you plunge into the safe confines of a swimming pool and have ago at blowing bubbles , pretending to be a mermaid or even James Bond (Depending on age of course). While there you will have the opertunity to complete some of the skills required for the Open water course completing the firset of 5 confined water dives. Then having decided that you still want to go ahead and complete the O/W course you know that you have'nt wasted your money if you had'nt.

What do you need todo next.
Go to the Forms section under Contact and down load and complete the DSD forms. Bring those with you when you visit the shop. Cost £25
We will supply all the equipment, all you need to bring is a swimming costume and towel and abundance of excitment